Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Meaning of "Mazuka": Tanzanian Slang Taught to Me

Mazuka, as I've tried to look it up, is not on the internet anywhere where I can find it.  I learned it on the very first day of my International Youth Internship Program funded by the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development and the Get Youth Working Program.  VIDEA (Victoria International Development Education Association) gained funding from the internship program and partnered with an organization in Tanzania, Africa called the Children's Dignity Forum and off I went!  Mazuka, as I've had it described to me, is Tanzanian slang for "awesome", "100%", where you feel like you are on a high, where you feel good and you're happy for deserving it.  Mazuka is all of these things and responding to people by using it always makes them laugh because I don't think they were expecting me to say it.  I will forever be indebted to the very cool guy at the phone store the first day who told it to me, giving me an insider tip on how to appear more knowledgeable and cooler than I am!

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